1- Class 1 to 12, boys and girls will start tomorrowSunday, 18 August 2024.
2- KG 1, KG 2 and KG 3 classes shall start onWednesday, 21 August 2024.
3- School timing 7:15am to 1:15pm,All students should be in school before 7:15 am. Gates open at 6:45am and close at exactly 7:15am.
4-Please don’t forget to send theAdmission Slip to your child/children on the first day. Students will not be allowed to enter the school premises without the Admission slip.
5- For those who don’t have the Admission Slips yet, please secure it after paying the school fees.Our Accounting Office is open Saturday to Thursday, 7am to 1pm.
6- Everyone is required to wear proper school uniforms.